Thursday, March 31, 2011

Easter Baskets on a budget! DAY 9!

Ever since I can remember, I have always loved Easter.  It may be because my birthday is around Easter, or the adorable dresses and suits the kids wear.  It could possibly be the fond memories of my Aunt Eileens special "bunny cake", or Easter dinner at my Grandmas.  Whatever the reasons, I STILL look forward to Church on Easter Sunday and the anticipation of the Easter egg hunt.  Although I am fantastically frugal, I love to have Easter baskets sitting by the fireplace when my kids wake up on Easter morning.  Now, if I am not careful, this could get very expensive!

I have been asking people all week how they do Easter for their kiddos.  Out of the 10 woman I asked, 9 said they go to the dollar store or the $1 bin at Target to stuff their kids baskets, the 1 other woman said she did not do baskets at all.  Personally I try NOT to take the dollar store route (for easter baskets...I DO go there for other items).  I have found that I spend WAY more buying "stuff" for my two kids then I would on just one more useable item.  Also, most of the things from the dollar store  end up in the garbage a week later.  So with that said, below is what my two boys will be surprised with on Easter morning.
  What little boy wouldn't want a supersoaker water gun and a baseball bat from the easter bunny???  Also pictured are snickers chocolate egg candies.  I bought all this today guessed it, right around $8!!!  (Really I only spent $.17 of my $8/day since i purchased the toys with a Kohls giftcard :)

This is how I did it:  Last Friday I was pleasantly surprised to find a Kohls $10 off a $20 purchase coupon stuck to the paper delivered to my house (I get 2 papers delivered so I was able to snag 2!!).  Next if you sign up for Kohls email alerts HERE they will email you a coupon for $5 off a $5 purchase.  I was able to stack these two coupons AND a 20% off coupon they mailed to me.  I also had money still on a gift card from Christmas.
TOTAL AFTER COUPONS: $6.73, PLUS I used a gift card that STILL has money on it!!
I also went to walgreens and bought 7 snickers eggs.  The total before coupons was $2.26, after coupons.....$.17

TOTAL SPENT ON BOYS' EASTER BASKETS: $.17 (that does not include the gift card purchase)

I also had to run out and grab a gallon of milk...priced at a sickening $2.55!!! 

TOTAL SPENT DAY 9:  $2.72 (rollover for today: $5.28   TOTAL rollover: $24.35...)

I want  to hear from you...Please leave a comment and tell me about the ways you celebrate Easter on a budget!!! 


  1. Wow, once again you have amazed me! Your boys will be very pleased with the Easter bunny this year :)

  2. i do easter on a budget by going to my parents house. the easter bunny always magically shows up there. plus, without dusty around i find way more eggs :)
    love, amy

  3. Last year our Easter bunny gave Rhianna a big girl bike w/o training wheels and a pair of rollerblades. He shopped at Habitat for Humanity and got both for $14! My husband got tennis rackets and balls from Habitat for $3. I'm with you, I hate paying $1 for something that ends up in the trash, I'd much rather spend my money on fun stuff my family will use for a few months or more!
