Friday, March 4, 2011

Do you ever feel like you are hanging on to the end of your rope???  Yup, that cat....that is how I feel currently.  We had a week of the "sickness" in our house.  With sick kids comes sleep deprivation, cabin fever, boredom, germs, and overall unhappy people.  Mix sick kids with a two year old who is testing boundries and you have one TIRED mama!  I once saw a sign that read "If you are at the end of your rope, tie a knot and hold on".  I am soooooo holding tight to that knot right about now!!  I do realize that all stages do pass and I have to remember that THIS TOO SHALL PASS, it is just so hard when you are in the middle of it!!!

 Thankfully I have an amazing husband who realizes when my hands are about to slip from the rope.  I also have an amazing support system of other mom's who have "been there, done that".  This morning I lost crying uncontrollably, shaking mad, about to throw a child threw a window lost it...A friend had stopped over for coffee and witnessed my 2 year old's tantrum (imagine the exhorsist!)  She sat, listened to me, let me throw MY fit, cried with me and all along DIDN'T judge me OR my parenting.  It is so important to have people in your life who "get you" and your kids and are there to support you through your bad days!  I am so blessed to have many people in my life like this.  They keep me sane.  I am happy to report that after an hour long fit and a two hour nap....(Luke and Me slept!!!) life in the Wadlington house is temporarily under control.....that is until bedtime :)

As I was typing this Jack approached me with this comment....
Jack:  "Mommy, I think Lucy (our dog) IS having puppies".
Me:    " Why Jack?"
Jack:  " Because I just pressed one of her boobies in, and i heard a puppy bark from inside her tummy."

Thank you Lord for little boys!


  1. i love Jack he is so funny! Hang on mama, it does get better and you are a great mom and definitely NOT alone! Love you!!

  2. I cried as I read this. It is SO hard to hold on to that rope when you are in the middle of those screaming fits (not to mention the fit that the baby is throwing:) ) Then something like what Jack said happens and brings you back in, to realize how much they make you smile. Love you and those boys of yours!!!

    Being a mom is the hardest job you will ever love!!!
