Well Friends, we have completed the first week of the $8/day challenge. I must say, I am pleasantly surprised at how "on board" my husband has been. I am also surprised how many temptations there have been to overspend. Even though I am a "bargain hunter" and always use coupons, I do tend to impulse buy and try to get EVERY good deal that comes along. This is not only time consuming, but through this challenge I have realized it is also costly. We don't need all the "stuff" we think we do, we will be JUST FINE without it (probably even better without it!).
This next week, we are going to continue to live on $8/day and as an added bonus, I am adding my own personal challenge: ACCOMPLISH ONE TASK A DAY TO TRY AND GET ORGANIZED! A few weeks ago, someone (who must NOT know me that well :) ) asked me how I stay so organized...I burst out in laughter and wondered who in the world this woman could possibly be speaking to. You see, I am one of the MOST unorganized people on this planet. When people walk into my house and comment on how clean it is, I tell them to open a closet or drawer..then they see the "real" me. Basically I am a mess. So this week I am going to attempt to do one small thing a day to get me to where i want to be. I challenge you all to take a few minutes each day and join with me on my challenge within a challenge! Who's in?!?!?!?!
Today started a little rocky for me...I didn't sleep well, and the first thing I heard as I woke up was screaming fighting children.....awesome... I headed out the door to work (no coffee consumed, BIG MISTAKE!) late of course. I was going to try and make it to free Chick-fil-a, but time wasn't on my side. I did however have a lovely morning cleaning and then picked up the boys for lunch at a friends. We were greeted at our friends house with an AMAZING spread of food and COFFEE (Thank the Lord!). The boys played outside and got a lot of their energy out.
I was still exhausted from my lack of sleep from last night so I decided to lay down with Luke for his nap. (Useless information about Kate for the day.....I do NOT nap well. My crazy little wheels start turning and before you know it I have the worlds issues solved and my unborn children named) Luckily, I DID in fact fall asleep and slept for TWO hours...whoo hoo!
After my wonderful nap, I decided to clean up a bit and bathe the kids before heading out to Church. Wednesday nights are "church night". Our home church has an amazing children's ministry that the boys LOVE. Tonight was there spring break celebration which included pizza, fun activity and an 8 foot SUNDAE (which i was lucky enough to scoop out!). The kids had a blast, i didn't have to make then dinner or clean it up, I was able to visit with some friends, and my husband got 2 hours of a quiet house!
All in all we had an AMAZING day with lots of activities that cost us NOTHING!
TOTAL SPENT TODAY: $0 ($8 rollover, total rollover: $19.07!!!! Someone's getting gas tomorrow!!)
Tip of the day: Even if you are not a churchgoer, your kids are MORE then welcome to attend the children's programs at your local church. They offer some amazing FREE (or very low cost) things for kids to participate in. I sent Jack to Vacation Bible schools all last summer at 6 different churches!! He had a BLAST, it was FREE and I had my mornings with only 1 kiddo!
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