Monday, April 11, 2011

Days 19 &20: $8/day challenge!

DAY 19:
Yesterday we had a lovely morning together as a family and I decided we would "splurge" and ORDER a pizza for dinner!  USUALLY the only pizza we get in this house is $5 Little Ceazers Pizza's, but tonight Dusty begged requested Papa Johns.  Although I was hesitant to spend our moola on the pizza, I did locate a FREE medium cheese pizza with any pizza order!  

My husband was happy, I was pleasantly surprised by the high value coupon ( even if we did go over our $8!), and the boys were THRILLED with a pizza night with Mom and DAD!
TOTAL FOR TWO PIZZA's: $12.45 (we did use some of our rollover! TOTAL rollover remaining: $7.06)

Since I knew that we are nearing the end of our challenge, I figured I still have rollover to spend, so why not spend it?!?!?!  Jack was in need of cleats for baseball and after looking at the Sports Store catalog that came in the Sunday paper (cleats priced at $29.99!!!!) I knew I had to make a trip to the local thrift store!  Wouldn't you know it, there were a pair of size 13 Adidas cleats perfect for a certain little boy!  Even more perfect, the $3.50 price tag!  WHOO HOO!  

TOTAL SPENT DAY 19: $15.95 ((Total rollover remaining: $3.56))

DAY 20 
Day 20.....the day before our last day of this challenge!  I WANTED to do some really great coupon shopping today for the WOW effect, but, Gas was needed...BLAH!  Maybe tomorrow! 

TOTAL SPENT DAY 20: $10 (Total rollover $1.56)

1 comment:

  1. Kate, where do you get your coupons online. It seems that all the ones that I see are ones I will never use. Kiley
