Sunday, April 10, 2011

DAYS 18: $8/day challenge

Before I give a break down of the past two days I wanted to share with you all something that really spoke to me this morning.   Through this challenge, I have taken a deep look into the way I view my material possessions.  Although it is fun to have "stuff", it is SO not what is important in my life.  It is my children, husband, family, friends, and the choices I make that are important. 

1 John 3:17 says "If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in that person"

I really believe that now-a-days people forget how important GIVING is.  Now don't get me wrong, I know a lot of givers, but in general society today is very selfish.  I am not trying to tell you to go and give away your fortune, but would it kill ya to SMILE at someone in the supermarket?  HUG someone that needs a hug? Give of YOUR time to help a friend (or a stranger?).  GIVE anonymously to someone who has fallen on hard times?  I challenge each of you this week to GIVE something that is precious to you...just give it to someone!    Whether it is your money, time, an ear to listen, or a material possession, I am sure that the recipient will be SO very thankful!  

 DAY 18: $8/day challenge 

I started the day off at a spin class which I can only compare to child labor.  You sweat from places you didn't know prespired, you have a hard time "breathing through" the hard times and your butt and crotch hurt.  At least a got a baby out of labor!  I must admit, I did feel pretty amazing after I finished the class! (A BIG thanks to Jen S. for dragging my butt there!)  Now, some of you may be asking yourselves "How do you afford a gym membership?"......Let me tell you......I REALLY wanted a membership at this fancy shmancy health club that opened a few years back, but knew that $100 was not exactly in the budget (Dusty was unemployed and we were barely scraping by).  So, I looked online and saw that they were hiring for a weekend position.  The pay was AWFUL, but they included a free membership for you AND your kids!  2 Hours of free child care a day....sign me up!  I applied, interviewed and was hired a few weeks later.  I now work a few Sunday afternoons per month.  I make a few extra frogskins for myself AND get a free membership!


 After the amazing workout, Jack and I headed out to the first of two parties we had for the day.  We were honored to celebrate Jack's friends' birthdays (twin girls).  This was our 4th kids birthday party this MONTH and if I wasn't so fantastically frugal, all these parties would have been VERY costly.  You see, I not only stockpile groceries, I also stockpile presents!  This may seem crazy, but I would bet money that you would be somewhat envious of my "gift closet".  It is a WHOLE closet devoted to gifts for people.  I have gifts appropriate for newborns-grandparents.  I have a multitude of different size clothing in BOTH genders!   Most of this stuff i found on a clearance rack after a holiday, or purchased with a coupon that made it free or almost free.  My "gift closet" not only saves me a TON of money, but even more importantly, TIME.  I am the worlds biggest procrastinator, so if I didn't have the closet to "shop" in, I would be running around like  a chicken with my head cut off 10 minutes before a party started!  

After the first party, we headed out to celebrate my friends birthday!  I know she loves starbucks and had just received a $10 giftcard for renewing my Denver Post subscription.  I knew she would appreciate it more than I would so I kindly re-gifted the card (she called me this morning asking me how I purchased the GC with an $8/day budget...I let her in on my secret!).  I also added a little something from my "gift closet" to finish the gift off.   


All in all, we had a wonderful day and only spent $.99 on some Sour Cream I needed for the potatoes I was bringing to the party!
TOTAL SPENT DAY 18: $1 (rollover $7, Total Rollover: $11.51)


**Day 19 will be up later tonight**

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